Patients & Caregivers
How it works
In an unprecedented two-day turnaround time, Travera gives you the information you need to take control of your cancer care.
The process starts with a test order and biopsy and ends with a detailed report to help your physician define your next treatment.
Step 1
Ask your oncologist to order the test
Discuss Travera’s Rapid Therapy Selection™ Test with your oncologist, who may contact Travera’s clinical support services to understand which testing option to prescribe.
After placing an order for Travera, your oncologist will request the appropriate sample collection for the test type (blood, FNA, CNB, bone marrow, malignant fluids/ascites).
Step 2
Provide your sample
Travera will ship a sample collection kit to the person or lab indicated by you or your physician. Once collected, your sample must be immediately placed in the provided temperature-controlled shipping kit and delivered to FedEx according to the provided instructions.
Travera will receive your sample within 24 hours and processes it promptly.
Step 3
Review your test results
After just two days from your sample collection, your oncologist will be notified that your test results are ready to review online or via fax/paper.
Should you or your ordering physician have any questions about the test results, Travera’s clinical support services are available via email and phone.
Lab Closure Dates
The lab is closed on Sundays and Mondays. For that reason, no sample shipments on Saturdays or Sundays.
Lab closed on: July 4th, Thanksgiving Day (Thursday), Day after Thanksgiving (Friday), Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day.
We strive to accommodate the schedule of your clinical care team. If you need to ship a sample for arrival on a day the lab is closed, contact our support team, and we will try to arrange for your sample to be received and processed in a timely fashion.
have Questions?
Travera offers both email and phone support services to address any questions you may have about the test, process, or use of the report information. Our goal is to bring you hope and an improved outcome. Please reach out to us anytime and we will respond within 24 hours.